Room 2 Friday 15 May Mrs Grenfell

Good morning Everyone

This is our last FUN FRIDAY online – ENJOY!!!

Time to get up and start MOVING – you know the moves!


Reading – Miss Muffet Rhyme

Here is a well known nursery rhyme about Miss Muffet. You can read it to yourself. Then, you are going to create your OWN rhyme by changing a few words. Look at the picture below and have a go at filling in the missing words to create a new rhyme. Write it in your writing book – you can do as many as you like.

We will add your rhymes to our Poem book when we are back at school.


Challenge someone in your family to an Outdoor Naughts and Crosses game!


 Naughts and crosses is a great game to encourage step-by-step logical thinking. You need two people to play, and you can play it anywhere with just about anything. You will need to go outside and collect FOUR sticks or bits of wood, pebbles and stones or anything else you think could be used for the naughts and crosses. Make a little grid with two lines (sticks) crossing another two lines at right angles. This will give you nine squares.

Rules: The rules for playing naughts and crosses are very simple. Each player has a turn to put their X or O into one of the empty squares in the grid. To win the game, get three of your symbols in a line horizontally (across), vertically (up or down) or diagonally (at an angle).











By | 2020-05-14T14:46:13+00:00 14th May 2020|Room 2 Home Learning|

About the Author:

Teacher, mum and nana, that's me! I love being part of sharing learning in Room 2 at Poroti School, where I work on Thursdays and Fridays and also do some relief teaching as well. When I'm not teaching, I knit, sew and crochet, read heaps of books and bake for my family. We have chickens, fruit trees, grow our own vegetables and live off the land in a chemically reduced way - eliminating plastic and toxic sprays. I also make my own soap and body care products.

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