Thursday 2 September-Mrs Pye

9:30 Karakia/Roll in Whole School Class

9:45  Meet in Mrs Pye’s Google Class


SpellingDictation-in Google Class. Email me pic please

Lexia-20mins. MUST DO

Lobster Boy-Chapter 6 and tasks. DON’T TURN IN YET

Independent Maths Task– Only Oriwa, Lincoln-Blayze, Kodie, Casey, Lola-Google Classroom

Google Meets

10:15-Te Mihinga with Mrs MacDonald

10:30-Andrew, Damien, Te Hina, Emma (Maths)

11:15-Ruby, Lucas, Te Mihinga, Maia, Puhi (Maths times tables)

12:00-Jarred (Writing) Google Class Task

For Fun and Optional

Make a cube out of paper or cardboard.  Each FACE on a cube should be a square.

Challenge-Can you make it by cutting out one shape (net)  and folding it?



By | 2021-09-01T13:01:53+00:00 1st September 2021|Classes, Room 1 Home Learning|

About the Author:

I teach part time in the senior school. I am passionate about good quality teaching and engaging students. In my spare time I like to spend time with the family, especially on the boat or biking. I also like to run.

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