Room 2 Monday 6th September

Room 2 Home Learning Monday 6th September

Hey team! Welcome to Home Learning, Week 3! I trust you all had lovely weekends and enjoyed some much needed sunshine! What did you and your family do to make the most of the glorius weather yesterday??

Here is the plan for today…

9.30am – Karakia and Attendance in the ‘Whole School’ Google Classroom.

‘Room 2’ Google Classroom for the rest of the day.

10.00am – Spelling – new words for the week – You can find these in our Room 2 Google Drive, in your individually named folders. Mrs Booth will start with Year 0-1, then Year 2, then Year 3-4.

Spelling Activity Rainbow words – Write your spelling word on a piece of paper with pencil. Go over the word 5 times using different coloured pencils or crayons.

10.15am – Class Diary! – Share one thing with the class – it can be something you did over the weekend, something you’re planning on doing, or it can even be something made up! Just one thing though! Mrs Booth will record it in our Room 2 Class Diary and we will use it for writing 🙂

10.30am – Picture Plan for Writing – You have 10 minutes  to complete a picture plan based on what you shared for Class Diary. Remember – it doesn’t have to be perfect! The picture plan is to help us organise details and ideas for our writing. Think about who, what, where, when and how.

If it helps, you can split your picture plan into two or three parts to show different parts of your story. For example…


This plan shows the beginnning, middle and end. Keep in mind, you only have 10 minutes to picture plan but this is a good way to expand on one idea.

Happy planning!!


10.40am – Writing – Using your picture plan to guide you, write about the idea you shared for Class Diary. What did you do? Who was there? Where were you? What happened next?

Does your story follow what happened in order? Have you used any interesting sentence starters? I am looking forward to hearing them!

11.00am – Morning Tea Break!

11.15am  – Maths Challenge! – Fractions – We have been working on halves and quarters and finding one half and one quarter of a set. When we write a fraction, it looks a little bit different and we need to figure out what the numerals mean. The following fractions have been muddled up. Can you match the picture to the written fraction?? Meet me in our Room 2 Google Classroom to discuss and see how you got on.













* You will find this as a document in your Google Drive Folder if you want to print it at home – or you could draw the fraction pictures and write the fraction as numerals next to it.

Extra Maths! Don’t forget that there are Basic Facts Practice Sheets to have a go at, and this week, there is an extra fraction worksheet in you Google Drive Folders. If you have any questions, pop into the Google Classroom or email me at [email protected]

11.45am – Shared Story! – ‘Nanny Mihi and the Rainbow’ by Melanie Drewery

Join me in our Room 2 Google Classroom for our shared story of the week.

If you miss it but still want to hear it, click on the book cover which will take you to a Youtube reading of the story 😉

Rainbow Scavenger Hunt – Your activity now is to head outside and find all of the colours of the rainbow! Whero, Karaka, Kõwhai, Kākāriki, Kikorangi, and Tawa.

When you find things that are these colours, see if you can display them as a rainbow like Nanny Mihi did in the story.  Bonus points if you can take a picture of your scavenger hunt rainbow and send it to me!

Extra Reading Challenge – Pick one of your books from your Home Learning Pack and read it outside to an adult in your bubble! Make sure it’s not raining though!

Have a wonderful day Room 2!

Question Time – Our Google Classroom will be open until at least 12.30pm if you want to pop in and show me any work you’ve done or have a korero. Otherwise, you can email me with any questions [email protected]

Mrs Booth

By | 2021-09-06T06:07:52+00:00 6th September 2021|Room 2 Home Learning|

About the Author:

Hi Team. I am Mrs Booth and I teach in the Junior Classroom on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. My family includes my lovely husband Andrew, our two daughters Tamsyn and Hannah, our dog Jade and our cat Jasper. We live on a dairy farm in Titoki and love our rural lifestyle. I am committed to providing positive learning experiences and opportunities for students to be the best versions of themselves. I am very thankful to be a part the wonderful Poroti School Community.

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